Advantages and Disadvantage of Travelling

Travelling is an adventure for most people and they like to travel but there are many Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling. It is as amusing for you as any other activity of your life. However, to travel it is necessary that you are strong both financially and mentally. Financially in the way that it would cost you a lot of money to travel around and mentally in the manner that sometimes you come across some hurdles that you have not even thought about in your entire life.

With traveling there come some advantages and disadvantages. Let us start with the advantages as traveling is filled with them. Take the plunge into the unknown and you stand to achieve immensely unknown and you stand to realize immensely.
Table of Contents
Advantages of Travelling
Before we get into the advantages of travelling we start with travelling itself. Travelling can be tricky, amazing, and fearsome at the same time. The idea of travelling when it crosses the mind gives you a calm feeling of exploring and discovering new things. You may have seen many people that travel around the world capture the beautiful moment in a camera and keep it with themselves as a lifetime memory.
Meet New People
Meeting new people is quite an amusement and some people take it as a hobby. With traveling, you will have the advantages to come across some amazing and new people. You will learn about them as you start to engage yourself with them. This way you can make some new friends.
The idea of meeting new people would also improve your communication skill and it is this communication skill that will improve your personality in almost every way.
Meeting new people improves your exposure and makes you a man of a better talking person. You can express your ideas and thoughts in an improved way while people are not getting bored at all.
Explore New Places You Have Never Before
Traveling lets you explore some new places that you have always dreamt about. These plays were probably a fairy tale for you during your childhood now it is suddenly a beautiful reality. You hear about these wonderlands in your textbook when you were in school now you see them with your naked eyes. These are some of the primary and foremost reasons why you should travel.
You may have seen the pictures of some ruins on the televisions, in your textbook, and many other sources you have witnessed it from. Now you have got the opportunity to witness it with your own eyes. Travelling is what gives you such an experience. Ironically if you say, the more you travel the bigger our world gets, it would not be a false statement.
Experience of an Adventure
Have you ever desired to go on an adventure to fulfill your dreams of which you always have dreamt while your eyes were wide open? Of course, you have desired and wished for it.
You always have wanted to go on an adventure and feel the experience of it, touch the experience of it. You have always wanted to explore the places that you may probably have seen in Disneyland movies. At that time you disparate wanted to be a part of it but unfortunately, that is not how nature works.
Frankly speaking, this honor is not honored by everyone in this world. The reasons, well you already know about the reasons. They may be a finical crisis, restrictions from your family sides, and what not but when you have been discharged from all these restrictions you feel a new person. You want to give it a shot and lose yourself of what you wanted to become a reality which now it is.
Witness Immense Beauty of Nature
You know the world is full of mysterious and wonderful places. This adds another reason to why you should travel all around the globe for good. You are thinking that beauty is everywhere and guess what you are probably right! But this does not add a convincing reason why you should not travel thousands of miles away to see the beauty beyond the horizon.
Another reason that you should not stick to only one refreshing spot each and every time is that at some point in your life you get bored with it. Your mind and heart start shouting like, “give me some more”.
Experience You Can Get
There is a famous saying, “Experience is better than Knowledge”. The experience opens your mind to whole lots of new ideas, diversifies your thoughts, and gives you the power due to which you will be preferred most of the time over many other people. If you think, give me a reason to travel. Well, I have got to ask you the same, give me a reason not to travel.
The world is full of such miraculous things and places that no one has even discovered yet. Don’t you want to get experience by seeing all the Seven Wonders of the World? Don’t you want to see the Sahara desert, Africa? Don’t you want to spend some time with your friends in the Amazon Rainforest, Brazil? These are some questions that you cannot deny and if you have the resources do even waste a second giving it a try.
Do Something Different
Life is short and you have to get the most out of it in this short time. You have to do something new in your life to feel this experience. You really do not know what is up to your sleeve. All you need to do is to follow your dreams and believe in yourself.
Travelling can also make you a very strong person because you after a lot of traveling have done different things from which you have gained experience. You will learn how to pull the strings? How to get out of trouble? How to cope with hardships? And many many more.
I really love this quote about the hardships of life.
“Difficult Roads often lead to beautiful Destinations”.
Build Your Confidence
Traveling is good because it is difficult although not impossible if you are up for it mentally. Difficult things that you do boost your confidence and give you an edge over other people.
Don’t you want to lead? Yes, you do!
Travelling gives you a boost to your confidence and gives you a desire to lead that you have always thought and dreamt of. The traveling that I am talking about is not for weeks but for months and even years. But confidence and leadership qualities are not made in days.
As the famous sayings, “Rome was not built in a day”. Similarly, you cannot build up the qualities that you have and polish it in days.
Learn about Yourself
Travelling gives you an opportunity to identify yourself. You might have wondered at some part in your life that what is my purpose that I was born? Travelling can help you answer all these questions.
But How?
Well, traveling refreshes you and your brain work 100% in an amusing environment. This is the main reason that you should make your brain work by providing it the environment it needs.
It will also help you understand your weakness and strength. Which area you should work on yourself which to avoid? These questions will be automatically answered once you get to travel.
Heal Your Soul
If you go out on traveling what you will find is that you will forget all the unpleasant activities that you had experienced in the past. Your soul will refresh itself and you will find yourself in dreamland.
There is a deep connection between the soul and the body and when your soul is relaxed so will be your body. People nowadays are afraid of traveling to faraway places such as abroad. There might be a lot of reasons for that but the one thing is for sure that your soul needs to breathe in different places and you should not stick yourself to only one place each and every time.
Expand Your CV
Last but not the least; you also can expand your CV by exposing yourself to different environments in different places. This will help you in getting your dream job. What if your boss needs you to travel to a place that you have already traveled to? Wouldn’t this be great? Of course, it will be and this will increase the trust of your boss in you.
What if you could pull some strings by traveling to a place you already have discovered earlier? It would create a huge positive impact on your boss. This is why you should not confine yourself to only one place.
Disadvantages of Travelling
With the advantages of traveling, there also comes some disadvantages and it would be quite unfair to look at something from one angle. That is why we are also going to discuss the disadvantages of traveling as well.
- Travelling is very very expensive and it quite becomes a very difficult job for a common man to handle.
- You are, if not millions then thousands of miles away from home, and quite frankly speaking no one knows what would happen even the next second.
- You also can miss some important all of sudden events at home if you are traveling at the moment.
- It is also home sickening. Traveling days after days you at some point miss your home very badly.
- You can also fall behind in your career (if traveling is not your career). Of course, traveling is good for your CV but you also have to catch up on the work that you have missed during your traveling days.
- Travelling is also very tiring. You have to explore new places like every day and some time it sickens you and you get tired.
- You may also feel the feeling of isolation from your friends and neighbors and whoever you have a deep relationship with.
- Last but not least traveling gives you new experiences but at the same time, you are also putting a lot of time into that so time spending is also a factor.
- You can also lose something or even someone that is very precious to you during your traveling time.
Whether it is a local place or a place beyond your limits, travelling will give you an experience that you would not have experienced anywhere in your lifetime. You also have to keep in mind the cons of travelling. However, planning on to travel somewhere you also have to keep the precautionary points in your mind to protect yourself from any possible harms and threats that could happen anywhere at any time. I hope you like all points of advantages and disadvantages of Travelling if you want to add your opinions on advantages or in disadvantages don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Old Huang
October 24, 2020 at 8:04 am
To travel ten thousand kilometers is better than to read ten thousand books, as the Chinese saying goes. But during this pandemic, all we can do is sitting at home looking at the computer or mobile phone. The travelling can only take place in dreams.