Home Improvement
Kitchen Cleaning Hacks

When it comes to your home, kitchens are the first place to become messy. Once you clean up it’s only a matter of time until the room needs cleaning again, a never-ending cycle of dirty dishes stacked up, food on the floor and a fridge that needs a deep clean. Nowadays, the kitchen is a part of the house that is celebrated not only its functionality, but also for the social aspect it brings to the house. Spacious kitchens, in addition to those that opt for open-plan designed kitchens are becoming increasingly popular, as they create a space that is comfortable for people to get together, spend time in one another’s company while also enjoying some great food and drinks. A disorderly kitchen can feel like a burden to tackle, however thanks to the world of hacks, there’s a solution for everything. On social media platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok, there has been a surge in domesticated influencers who focus on home organisation and cleanliness. They provide hacks for everything, which are essentially quick ways to achieve the most hygienic and aesthetically pleasing home. There’s plenty of hacks for everything you can think of, and kitchen cleanliness is no exception. Here at We Buy Any House we have compiled our top tips to help you clean your kitchen.
Table of Contents
The “Outside-In” Method:
The “outside-in” method is supposed to make cleaning your biggest messes easier. The process becomes easier as you start from the outer edges of the mess and work towards the center of the mess. According to cleaning experts, this is a great way to keep up the cleaning momentum and ensure that you don’t lose pace while you are cleaning.
Hoovering Under the Stove:
Moving your cooker out of the way to clean is a labour intensive task that isn’t anyone’s particular favourite cleaning job. Moving things out of the way is not only strenuous but it can also be extremely difficult if you are not physically able to move it yourself. An easy way to get rid of all those pesky bits of fallen food is to remove the bottom drawer of the cooker unit and use the novel of your hoover to clear it out.
Fresh Smelling Disposal:
There’s nothing worse than having a waste disposal that doesn’t smell great. The smell consumes your whole kitchen and is not a great thing to have if you have guests over. A great way to remedy this is by using a simple trick consisting of three things: lemon, ice cubes and rock salt. Fill an ice cube tray with rock sale, lemon wedges and water. Once they are frozen run the ice cubes down the disposal until the ice has disintegrated.
Cleaning Your Cups:
If you tend to put your glasses through a dishwasher, then you may notice that your glasses have gone a little cloudy. This may be due to living in a hard water area and can leave your glasses looking stained and slightly unappealing to yourself and guests. A simple trick to fix this is by cleaning the glasses with vinegar. Soak the glasses in vinegar and then rinse off with water and dry with a lint-free cloth.
Cleaning Your Chopping Board:
Wooden chopping boards can be great for aesthetic purposes, but they can get a little worn and smelly over time. No matter how much you scrub at them, it seems as though they never get any cleaner. To achieve the freshness of a brand-new chopping board, then sprinkle some bicarbonate soda or salt onto the board and rub in with half a lemon. Rinse with warm water, re-oil and pat dry.
Removing Tea and Coffee Stains from Mugs:
Once you’ve found your favourite coffee and tea pots, it’s hard to part with them when they become stained due to tea and coffee. Instead of wasting money on new mugs each time your old ones become stained, there is a simple trick to help you get around this. The first option is to soak bleach int with some warm water, however if you want a more natural solution that doesn’t require chemicals, you can add some bicarbonate soda to some washing up liquid and scrub the cup with a rough sponge.
How to Clean Your Washing Machine:
Your clothes are never going to be clean if the washing machine itself isn’t clean. It’s important to maintain the cleanliness of your washing machine, and it’s important that you take care of it every few weeks in order to ensure that it’s in its best condition. In order to clean it, set your empty washing machine to a hot 60 degrees, and pour around 230ml of white vinegar into the drum of the washing machine. Run the spin and all limescale, germs, mould and mildew should disappear.
This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any House. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?” or “how can I get someone to buy my house?”, head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.

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