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Low-Cost Heart Surgery in Bangalore



Low-Cost Heart Surgery in Bangalore

According to the World Heart Federation, cardiovascular diseases claim the highest number of lives globally. One in three deaths results from cardiovascular diseases worldwide.

In India, non-communicable diseases account for 60% of total adult mortality rates. Cardiovascular diseases account for over a quarter of these deaths!

Across all major cities across India, especially in Bangalore, you will find specialty hospitals that focus on heart ailments. Given that almost 58% of the total population bears the brunt of their medical costs, the gravity of selecting the best heart hospital in Bangalore is evident.

When to go in for a heart check-up?

Precaution is always better than treatment. The demands of modern lifestyle practices and their subsequent consequences are wreaking havoc on our overall health, especially on the heart.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye out for any developing symptoms. Apart from regular health checkups, you must keep an eye out for insidious signs of heart ailments.

  • Chest pain
  • Pressure or tightness in your neck, jaw, or stomach
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fainting or dizziness
  • Sweaty skin
  • Irregular or fast heartbeat
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Pain or swelling in legs
  • Sudden fatigue

If you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms, your doctor may refer you to a cardiologist. Your doctor may even implore you to get admitted to a hospital. High cholesterol or blood pressure are also some factors that raise immediate red flags.

Choosing the Best Affordable Hospital

With so much on the line, selecting the best heart hospital in Bangalore for heart surgery is quite an arduous task. Several factors need to be taken into account to make the most informed decision. The following list will help you to narrow down your search and make the most suitable choice for your health.


For most Indians, the cost of medical expenses is a dreary thing. Hence, you have to select the best hospital within the gambit of your economic capacity.

Fortunately, in Bangalore, certain hospitals perform heart surgeries at highly affordable rates and deliver results at par with global standards. Some hospitals provide free or subsidized inpatient care, with an average discount of 15%. 


The reputation of an institution often precedes it in the healthcare sector. Enquire from your primary care physician or other doctors you may be acquainted with about the best heart surgery facilities available in Bangalore.

You will notice repetitions of the names of the best doctors and hospitals from multiple sources. It is often because of the person’s or institute’s reputation.


It all comes down to people – doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals – when you take a holistic approach towards recovery. If possible, find out who will participate in your procedure. Apart from an experienced heart specialist, a heart care team should include cardiac rehab specialists, board-certified cardiologists, and certified physician assistants.

Latest technology

You want a hospital that utilizes the latest technology and techniques in performing heart surgeries. In medical science, staying updated is crucial. What is thought impossible now might become something easily recoverable in the next five years due to advancements in technology.

The latest technology not only helps in ensuring better results but also reduces operational costs. It reduces the duration of stay in the hospital. Moreover, through advanced information technology, patient complaints can be tracked and solved efficiently, improving patient experience quality.

After successful heart surgery, you must ensure that the patient takes adequate care and follows the instructions provided by the doctor. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking proper medication can help the patient lead a fruitful and productive life.

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